Camper Stories
Collecting “camper stories” is one way to have specific anecdotes with photographs an organization can use in social media, newsletters, website, and in fundraising, serving as qualitative informal observational data.
Create an online form or a document where team members can easily go and write down anecdotes and share pictures of the participants every Friday or throughout the week that get sent to the Communications team.

Mindfulness Surveys
On the first day of summer camp, invite the students to complete a self-reported survey on their perception of how they self-regulate. Then, after completing summer camp, on one of the last days, invite the students to complete the survey again.

Literacy is an incredibly valuable and necessary skillset for increased success and thriving within our society. Unfortunately, 33% of American fourth graders read below the “basic” level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress reading test (NAEP Reading Report Card)
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